

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Last meeting and next

Our last meeting of this year was vibrant and busy as always, and the wrapped baubles for a lucky dip instead of a raffle were a great success.
I hope that everyone in now in receipt of their hand-made tree decorations - except Jane and Sarah E., as I still have those! Our tree in St Wulfram's Christmas Tree Festival was lovely, and the whole thing, with its skating rink, was a great success.

Our exhibition in Grantham Museum continues, and take-down day will be 18th January 2016; that can be planned at the January meeting day, when some of you will be doing beadwork with Margaret Beattie.
We have been asked to hire a stall at Grantham Museum on 24th January for a 'try something new' day, and we agreed that we would take up the offer, to attract people to stitching and the Embroiderers' Guild. Details again will be decided at the January meeting.

We hope to restart the stitched books in the afternoon sessions, especially for those who are less experienced with embroidery stitches, but anyone can join in - it's always useful to do some revision! You will need your usual sewing requisites and some threads - there are lots of threads in our stash, so there will always be some available. Fabric will also be available.

The CB/Stately Gardens project is under way, but perhaps needs a little more explanation:
please see the email for details or email me direct; this will all be explained at the January meeting.
We have had a busy and successful year, and next year looks like being similarly busy.

A happy Christmas to you all, and I hope that it will be a peaceful New Year.
Happy stitching, when you have the opportunity, and I look forward to seeing you all on the first Tuesday in 2016.


Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Recent Photographs

Just to let you know that the photo's from the last meeting of Travelling Books, Show and Tell, and the Secret Santa Baubles are now on the Blog.