

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

January Update

We will be meeting in a hall at the  Grantham Tennis Club on  Tuesday 6th January 2015from 10.00am-2.00pm .

The cost will be as before £3 or £5 for non Guild members.There will be a raffle as usual and self service coffee and biscuits are in the kitchen through out the session for £1.Please bring a mug.

The address is 
Grantham Tennis Club   
Arnoldfield, Gonerby Rd, 
Grantham NG31 8HU

Grantham Tennis Club is located half a mile from the town centre on Gonerby Road. From the town follow signs towards the A1 North / Newark. The Club is on the right hand side of Gonerby Road (B1174), shortly after you pass under a railway bridge and is clearly signed.
Visitors approaching from the North, driving along Gonerby Road (B1174), will see the Tennis Club signposted on the left - before you pass under the railway bridge

we are the long building you can just about see on the left behind the tennis courts

The tennis club turn  is next door to the Kings Hotel.When you turn in turn left again and look for the balloons and bunting outside a small building to the left of the tennis club.Drive past the main car park towards the balloons  where parking is available beside the venue.

There is a small coffee shop in the main tennis club where you can get lunch but it must be ordered prior to the meeting to be picked up at 12.30.You can also bring a packed lunch if you prefer.Lunch will be a half hour.

Requirements for the January workshop 

The January session will be the initiating of the stitch a month note book cover or travelling book project dependent on your expertises and self confidence.

More information about what the projects entail will be forth coming but at the moment the only requirements are

 your sewing kit,

 embroidery hoops

 a 10 inch calico square??.

The notebooks will be provided at a small cost

I will let you know if this changes!!!!!

So keep checking back  if you are not set up for an alert.

To receive alerts put your email address into the second box on the top left of the page which has follow by email above it.

The session will have something for everyone from the beginner like me to those of you  with a long history of embroidery.But do remember you do not always have to join in; you can bring an ongoing project you are working on and enjoy the company!

As usual we will have a show and tell table so please bring anything you have finished or even work in progress,

Sample notebook covers

Have a lovely Christmas and we (the committee) look forward  to seeing  everyone in the New Year

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Layers of Stitch Update!!!

'We have found a new venue - the Grantham Tennis Club - and we shall be meeting there on Tuesday 6th January 2015 at the usual time, 10.00, with a view to trying it out to see how we accomodate EGG numbers - if successful, we shall continue to meet there for the foreseeable future. There is adequate parking, and the new venue will be marked by bunting and balloons; bring own lunch if you wish - there is a kitchen where soup, etc. can be heated, or there is a cafe in the main building, run by Mencap, which serves delicious food.
Whatever you have heard, we intend to continue what we have started, so please join us if you can on 6th January

The committee has planned some smashing workshops  and as soon as I have received the OK I will post the information on here.We left the meeting feeling very excited about the future now that venue issues have resolved for the time being.

What to bring information for that first session of the New Year will be sent to you as soon as possible.

Friday, 5 December 2014


The Quilters’ Guild has today announced that the Quilt Museum and Gallery in York is to close at the end of October, 2015. The Quilt Museum and Gallery has been working very hard to achieve challenging targets for income from visitors and business ventures but, sadly, these targets have not been achievable.
The Quilters’ Guild has provided financial support to The Quilt Museum through its own reserves and fundraising activities but these funds cannot provide the Quilt Museum and Gallery with a sustainable future in the long term.
Guild President, Vivien Finch said “The decision to close the Quilt Museum and Gallery is profoundly disappointing, but we can take comfort in the knowledge that since it opened we have welcomed over 75,000 people to over 50 exhibitions and introduced many visitors to the joy of quilts and quilting. In addition, we have taught sewing skills to over 8,000 children and adults.”
“The number of paying visitors has ranged between 10,000 and 12,500 per year and we now know that this is a considerable achievement for a small “niche” museum, commented Museum Manager, Fiona Diaper.
The Quilt Museum and Gallery will remain open until 31 October, 2015, and visitors will be able to enjoy the exhibitions planned for 2015 including a major exhibition with Kaffe Fassett entitled Ancestral Gifts, showing new quilts created by Kaffe in response to quilts in The Quilters’ Guild Collection.
The Quilters’ Guild will continue to care for its Collection of historic and contemporary quilts and are concentrating their efforts on finding a location where the public can gain access to quilts by pre-organised visits. They are also exploring a wide range of opportunities for items from the Collection to be exhibited in other locations.

The Quilt Museum and Gallery was  Britain's first museum dedicated to quiltmaking and textile arts.
The Museum is managed by The Quilters' Guild of the British Isles, an educational charity founded in 1979. The  aim was to promote the crafts of patchwork, appliqué and quilting through changing exhibitions of historic and contemporary textiles. The Quilt Museum and Gallery was  independently funded through admissions, grants and donations.

Thursday, 4 December 2014


Below is a link to the Picasa website where you can upload any of the photos from our embroidery/stitch  workshops .Click on link below to see the pictures on Picasa. If you want to post pictures please contact me,
Please remember that not everyone likes to have their face in a photo when choosing photos to upload.