January Update
We will be meeting in a hall at the Grantham Tennis Club on Tuesday 6th January 2015, from 10.00am-2.00pm .
The cost will be as before £3 or £5 for non Guild members.There will be a raffle as usual and self service coffee and biscuits are in the kitchen through out the session for £1.Please bring a mug.
The address is
Grantham Tennis Club
Gonerby Rd,
Grantham NG31 8HU
The tennis club turn is next door to the Kings Hotel.When you turn in turn left again and look for the balloons and bunting outside a small building to the left of the tennis club.Drive past the main car park towards the balloons where parking is available beside the venue.
Grantham Tennis Club is located half a mile from the town centre on Gonerby Road. From the town follow signs towards the A1 North / Newark. The Club is on the right hand side of Gonerby Road (B1174), shortly after you pass under a railway bridge and is clearly signed.
Visitors approaching from the North, driving along Gonerby Road (B1174), will see the Tennis Club signposted on the left - before you pass under the railway bridge
we are the long building you can just about see on the left behind the tennis courts
The tennis club turn is next door to the Kings Hotel.When you turn in turn left again and look for the balloons and bunting outside a small building to the left of the tennis club.Drive past the main car park towards the balloons where parking is available beside the venue.
There is a small coffee shop in the main tennis club where you can get lunch but it must be ordered prior to the meeting to be picked up at 12.30.You can also bring a packed lunch if you prefer.Lunch will be a half hour.
Requirements for the January workshop
The January session will be the initiating of the stitch a month note book cover or travelling book project dependent on your expertises and self confidence.
More information about what the projects entail will be forth coming but at the moment the only requirements are
your sewing kit,
embroidery hoops
a 10 inch calico square??.
The notebooks will be provided at a small cost
I will let you know if this changes!!!!!
So keep checking back if you are not set up for an alert.
To receive alerts put your email address into the second box on the top left of the page which has follow by email above it.
The session will have something for everyone from the beginner like me to those of you with a long history of embroidery.But do remember you do not always have to join in; you can bring an ongoing project you are working on and enjoy the company!
As usual we will have a show and tell table so please bring anything you have finished or even work in progress,
Sample notebook covers
Have a lovely Christmas and we (the committee) look forward to seeing everyone in the New Year
A good signpost for the Tennis Club also is the speed camera that is just outside it. Be careful turning into the club as there is an entrance and an exit. I made the mistake of going in by the exit! Fortunately the barrier didn't crash down onto me. The entrance is almost exactly opposite the food factory. (I think that's Moy Park, used to be Padley's)