Our last meeting of this year was vibrant and busy as always, and the wrapped baubles for a lucky dip instead of a raffle were a great success.
I hope that everyone in now in receipt of their hand-made tree decorations - except Jane and Sarah E., as I still have those! Our tree in St Wulfram's Christmas Tree Festival was lovely, and the whole thing, with its skating rink, was a great success.
Our exhibition in Grantham Museum continues, and take-down day will be 18th January 2016; that can be planned at the January meeting day, when some of you will be doing beadwork with Margaret Beattie.
We have been asked to hire a stall at Grantham Museum on 24th January for a 'try something new' day, and we agreed that we would take up the offer, to attract people to stitching and the Embroiderers' Guild. Details again will be decided at the January meeting.
We hope to restart the stitched books in the afternoon sessions, especially for those who are less experienced with embroidery stitches, but anyone can join in - it's always useful to do some revision! You will need your usual sewing requisites and some threads - there are lots of threads in our stash, so there will always be some available. Fabric will also be available.
The CB/Stately Gardens project is under way, but perhaps needs a little more explanation:
please see the email for details or email me direct; this will all be explained at the January meeting.
We have had a busy and successful year, and next year looks like being similarly busy.
A happy Christmas to you all, and I hope that it will be a peaceful New Year.
Happy stitching, when you have the opportunity, and I look forward to seeing you all on the first Tuesday in 2016.
Layers of Stitch is a branch of the British Embroiderers Guild, based in Grantham, Lincolnshire. Our meetings take place on the 1st Tuesday of every month and we are currently meeting in a building on the Grantham Tennis Club site

Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Recent Photographs
Just to let you know that the photo's from the last meeting of Travelling Books, Show and Tell, and the Secret Santa Baubles are now on the Blog.
Sunday, 22 November 2015
Sunday 22nd November
Our Christmas Tree is up in St Wulfram's Church in Grantham for the Festival, which runs from 5.00pm on Tuesday until next Sunday evening; it is one of just over 100, and is quite close to the coffee shop in the church, so whoever goes in to have tea/coffee, etc. will have a good view of it.
Although it is 6ft tall, in that large space it looks quite diminutive, but it's very full of our decorations, with Sue Cork's hardanger Angel on top, and looks very good.
I do hope those of you who live in the local area will take the opportunity to go and look - I think the whole thing will be quite impressive.
Annette has taken some photographs, which should is on the blog (under Past Events) for you to get an idea of what the tree looks like, and hopefully there should be more eventually of the entire church full of trees, with its skating rink.
Look forward to seeing you all on 1st December (with wrapped baubles!)
Sunday, 8 November 2015
Sunday 8th November 2015
Last Tuesday's meeting at the Tennis Club was buzzing - whether this was to do with our ongoing projects or just general enthusiasm, I'm not sure; thanks to Annette again for her expertise in dry-felting, to Margaret for the magic with Angelina fibres, and Sue, as always, for the travelling books and show and tell.
Despite the weather outside, we had a light and bright meeting, organising 'things' to put on the Christmas Tree in St Wulfram's Church Tree Festival at the end of the month, and making some progress with the CB/Stately Gardens project for next year. Thanks to all who have already given me tree decorations; any others, please deliver to Grantham Museum, on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday of the next two weeks, or to the Tennis Club on 17th November at the 'extra' workshop, or bring them to the church when we have notification of the set-up day, - I will let you know as soon as I am told - or mail them to me at 7 Church Lane, Sedgebrook, Grantham, Lincs. NG32 2EU in a jiffy bag to protect your offerings.
I think we have decided on the shape and size of our pieces for the CB project - I'm just awaiting confirmation from Jane that we are on the right track, then I will get together with her to dye the fabric for the next meeting, as I know that some of you are keen to get on with the stitching.
Thanks to Jane and to Marian for their contributions so far to this project.
December's meeting is down on the programme as 'Social Stitching', but also hopefully we can move forward with the CB project.
Instead of a raffle for the December meeting, or a 'Secret Santa', it was decided that each member who would like to take part should wrap a Christmas bauble - value no more than £5 - and put in a 'lucky dip', receiving a raffle ticket at the same time. Those not taking part will not receive one! Then you get to draw out a bauble with that number on - hopefully not your own! to take home.
Those not wishing to do any of these things, please bring your own stitching and enjoy the sociability.
My copy of the latest 'Stitch' magazine was removed from the table inside the door on Tuesday - I'm sure inadvertently! - and as I had only recently purchased it and had not yet had time to read it, I would appreciate it being returned at the next meeting.
Looking forward to seeing you all on December 3rd, if not before then, at the Linda Rudkin workshop on 17th November, or at the Church to set up the Christmas Tree.
Last Tuesday's meeting at the Tennis Club was buzzing - whether this was to do with our ongoing projects or just general enthusiasm, I'm not sure; thanks to Annette again for her expertise in dry-felting, to Margaret for the magic with Angelina fibres, and Sue, as always, for the travelling books and show and tell.
Despite the weather outside, we had a light and bright meeting, organising 'things' to put on the Christmas Tree in St Wulfram's Church Tree Festival at the end of the month, and making some progress with the CB/Stately Gardens project for next year. Thanks to all who have already given me tree decorations; any others, please deliver to Grantham Museum, on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday of the next two weeks, or to the Tennis Club on 17th November at the 'extra' workshop, or bring them to the church when we have notification of the set-up day, - I will let you know as soon as I am told - or mail them to me at 7 Church Lane, Sedgebrook, Grantham, Lincs. NG32 2EU in a jiffy bag to protect your offerings.
I think we have decided on the shape and size of our pieces for the CB project - I'm just awaiting confirmation from Jane that we are on the right track, then I will get together with her to dye the fabric for the next meeting, as I know that some of you are keen to get on with the stitching.
Thanks to Jane and to Marian for their contributions so far to this project.
December's meeting is down on the programme as 'Social Stitching', but also hopefully we can move forward with the CB project.
Instead of a raffle for the December meeting, or a 'Secret Santa', it was decided that each member who would like to take part should wrap a Christmas bauble - value no more than £5 - and put in a 'lucky dip', receiving a raffle ticket at the same time. Those not taking part will not receive one! Then you get to draw out a bauble with that number on - hopefully not your own! to take home.
Those not wishing to do any of these things, please bring your own stitching and enjoy the sociability.
My copy of the latest 'Stitch' magazine was removed from the table inside the door on Tuesday - I'm sure inadvertently! - and as I had only recently purchased it and had not yet had time to read it, I would appreciate it being returned at the next meeting.
Looking forward to seeing you all on December 3rd, if not before then, at the Linda Rudkin workshop on 17th November, or at the Church to set up the Christmas Tree.
Sunday, 25 October 2015
Last month and next month's meetings.
Grateful thanks to Annette, who helped with the egg-felting workshop at the October meeting, as well as taking members' money on the door, and providing the tea and coffee.
As well as the needle felting, we did wet-felted eggs - some people did both, and some showed a marked preference for one or the other.
These hopefully will be embroidered on to for the ongoing exhibition at Grantham Museum, as part of Layers of Stich EGG challenge.
It has been suggested that we submit a decorated tree for the St Wulfram's Christmas Tree Festival at the end of November; St Wulfram's is Grantham's Parish Church, and this is their first Tree Festival, along with having a skating rink in the church for the duration of the festival. They are hoping for a lot of trees and a lot of interest, and it would be good for us to have a profile there.
Applications need to be in by 31st October, and I have the form here to submit; we can have either a real tree or an artificial one, any size, floor or table standing, with an extension lead if we want lights on it.
I have an artificial tree in the loft, much used, but in good condition, 6ft. high, which usually goes in the conservatory. Because it takes to pieces, it's easily tranportable and put together in situ, and we have lights for it too.
As this will be a first attempt, I suggest we go down this route, and we should like members to bring along to the November meeting any handmade decorations they may have. Also, as Annette demonstrated dry felting on polystyrene spheres, some could be made in the meeting, or beforehand, if you have the wherewithal. I will again bring along to the meeting my selection of tops and the felting needles, and they can also be decorated with beads and sequins to catch the light. I have a few spheres, but if you can bring your own (Boyes stock them), that would be helpful.
Jane has some canvaswork ideas with shisha mirrors, and will bring some of these to show us. Other ideas welcome!
The booking form for the tree asks for a 'proposed decoration theme'; as this has to be submitted by Saturday, I need to think of one quickly - perhaps some of you could email me with your ideas? katfisch00@hotmail.com The church will provide all of the signage for the trees, so all we need is a theme!
At the November meeting, we also need to discuss the way forward for the Capability Brown/Stately Gardens project; both Jane and Marian have lots of ideas, and hopefully Marian will be with us to bring along the 'tree' that she has as the foundation for this. If she is not able to be there, I have photos she sent me, and an email with her ideas on, so we need to pool these, decide about dyeing the fabric which Jane has kindly given to the group, and come up with a Plan! Your contributions will be most welcome, please.
It has also been suggested that for the December meeting, we have a 'Secret Santa' - as well as a raffle? Something else to discuss, and do bring any 'show and tell' pieces, and your travelling books - some of these will again be swopped with the ones already in the museum.
Sarah is still requiring money for the extra workshop with Linda Rudkin on 17th November; if your name is on her list and you have not paid, please have your money for her at the meeting.
If none of this appeals to you, do bring your own stitching and join us for a sociable day.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 3rd November at the Tennis Club.
Grateful thanks to Annette, who helped with the egg-felting workshop at the October meeting, as well as taking members' money on the door, and providing the tea and coffee.
As well as the needle felting, we did wet-felted eggs - some people did both, and some showed a marked preference for one or the other.
These hopefully will be embroidered on to for the ongoing exhibition at Grantham Museum, as part of Layers of Stich EGG challenge.
It has been suggested that we submit a decorated tree for the St Wulfram's Christmas Tree Festival at the end of November; St Wulfram's is Grantham's Parish Church, and this is their first Tree Festival, along with having a skating rink in the church for the duration of the festival. They are hoping for a lot of trees and a lot of interest, and it would be good for us to have a profile there.
Applications need to be in by 31st October, and I have the form here to submit; we can have either a real tree or an artificial one, any size, floor or table standing, with an extension lead if we want lights on it.
I have an artificial tree in the loft, much used, but in good condition, 6ft. high, which usually goes in the conservatory. Because it takes to pieces, it's easily tranportable and put together in situ, and we have lights for it too.
As this will be a first attempt, I suggest we go down this route, and we should like members to bring along to the November meeting any handmade decorations they may have. Also, as Annette demonstrated dry felting on polystyrene spheres, some could be made in the meeting, or beforehand, if you have the wherewithal. I will again bring along to the meeting my selection of tops and the felting needles, and they can also be decorated with beads and sequins to catch the light. I have a few spheres, but if you can bring your own (Boyes stock them), that would be helpful.
Jane has some canvaswork ideas with shisha mirrors, and will bring some of these to show us. Other ideas welcome!
The booking form for the tree asks for a 'proposed decoration theme'; as this has to be submitted by Saturday, I need to think of one quickly - perhaps some of you could email me with your ideas? katfisch00@hotmail.com The church will provide all of the signage for the trees, so all we need is a theme!
At the November meeting, we also need to discuss the way forward for the Capability Brown/Stately Gardens project; both Jane and Marian have lots of ideas, and hopefully Marian will be with us to bring along the 'tree' that she has as the foundation for this. If she is not able to be there, I have photos she sent me, and an email with her ideas on, so we need to pool these, decide about dyeing the fabric which Jane has kindly given to the group, and come up with a Plan! Your contributions will be most welcome, please.
It has also been suggested that for the December meeting, we have a 'Secret Santa' - as well as a raffle? Something else to discuss, and do bring any 'show and tell' pieces, and your travelling books - some of these will again be swopped with the ones already in the museum.
Sarah is still requiring money for the extra workshop with Linda Rudkin on 17th November; if your name is on her list and you have not paid, please have your money for her at the meeting.
If none of this appeals to you, do bring your own stitching and join us for a sociable day.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 3rd November at the Tennis Club.
Sunday, 27 September 2015
Exhibition at Grantham Museum.
Annette Cooke has kindly sent in some photo's of the LOS EGG Exhibition at the museum. They can be viewed on the Blog by clicking on the sidebar "Past Events". If you have taken any Photo's you want to share, please feel free to send them to me at suecork8@hotmail.co.uk, but remember that images will then be in the public domain and could be viewed or copied.
Annette Cooke has kindly sent in some photo's of the LOS EGG Exhibition at the museum. They can be viewed on the Blog by clicking on the sidebar "Past Events". If you have taken any Photo's you want to share, please feel free to send them to me at suecork8@hotmail.co.uk, but remember that images will then be in the public domain and could be viewed or copied.
Sunday, 20 September 2015
Layers of Stitch Embroiderers' Guild, Grantham exhibition at Grantham Museum is now up and running.
A number of people attended our Preview last Wednesday evening, including our Regional Chair, Pam Keeling, all the way from Derby; Brenda Scarman, who helped to get us started on the branch Banner; and also the Mayor of Grantham, Jacky Smith, who, I discovered, does some stitching in her spare time! Later, a group of people from our sponsors, Korbond, also joined us.
The Bannner looks stunning - thank you, Jean, for the idea and dyeing the fabric, and thank you, Brenda, for getting us started - and the Bunting, now that you can see all at once, is also lovely.
When finally seen altogether, our display is really good, especially when you consider that the group has only been in existence for eighteen months. Well done to all - you have really made a superb exhibition!
Some items, like the travelling books, will be interchanged over the weeks, so do go in and see what there is on show. The post-card competition is really good - grateful thanks to those who entered - the result is very professional-looking.
Next month's meeting - Tuesday, October 6th - for those who wish to, will be learning how to make Felted Eggs - part of our ongoing EGG challenge, and we hope that some will be displayed in the Museum in the coming weeks. (If you do not wish to take part, do bring your own sewing and just enjoy the sociability!)
I shall be demonstrating wet-felting, and Annette will be showing dry/needle-felting, on polystyrene eggs. We have quite a few of these, but if you have one/some, or indeed, other ideas, do bring them along. These can then be embroidered into in any way you fancy!
The rest of the equipment will be supplied, but if you have a dry felting needle, that would be appreciated.
You will also need a towel to cover the table, and perhaps two small plastic bowls for the hot and cold water (for wet-felting).
I look forward to our efforts, and seeing you all on the first Tuesday in October.
A number of people attended our Preview last Wednesday evening, including our Regional Chair, Pam Keeling, all the way from Derby; Brenda Scarman, who helped to get us started on the branch Banner; and also the Mayor of Grantham, Jacky Smith, who, I discovered, does some stitching in her spare time! Later, a group of people from our sponsors, Korbond, also joined us.
The Bannner looks stunning - thank you, Jean, for the idea and dyeing the fabric, and thank you, Brenda, for getting us started - and the Bunting, now that you can see all at once, is also lovely.
When finally seen altogether, our display is really good, especially when you consider that the group has only been in existence for eighteen months. Well done to all - you have really made a superb exhibition!
Some items, like the travelling books, will be interchanged over the weeks, so do go in and see what there is on show. The post-card competition is really good - grateful thanks to those who entered - the result is very professional-looking.
Next month's meeting - Tuesday, October 6th - for those who wish to, will be learning how to make Felted Eggs - part of our ongoing EGG challenge, and we hope that some will be displayed in the Museum in the coming weeks. (If you do not wish to take part, do bring your own sewing and just enjoy the sociability!)
I shall be demonstrating wet-felting, and Annette will be showing dry/needle-felting, on polystyrene eggs. We have quite a few of these, but if you have one/some, or indeed, other ideas, do bring them along. These can then be embroidered into in any way you fancy!
The rest of the equipment will be supplied, but if you have a dry felting needle, that would be appreciated.
You will also need a towel to cover the table, and perhaps two small plastic bowls for the hot and cold water (for wet-felting).
I look forward to our efforts, and seeing you all on the first Tuesday in October.
Sunday, 6 September 2015
Hello Ladies
A good meeting last Tuesday; one of the quickest AGMs I have ever done, and don't forget to fill in questionnaires if you have something to say about how our EG branch is organised.
Jeanette Jackson's talk and presentation was most interesting, particularly as it showed that her textile work is her second (or was it third?) career, and her skills and inspiration are quite innovative. I personally would like to hear her talk about Japan, perhaps one for another year?
Another reminder about our exhibition - we are setting up the display on Tues./Weds., 15th/16th September from 10.00am each day, and have quite a few volunteers to help, and also to help on the Preview evening, Weds. 16th from 7.00pm. Others welcome, if you can spend a couple of hours or more with us.
We have some framed pictures which some people have brought in or promised for display - these will have to be hung on mirror plates to make sure that they are secure - if you object to yours having mirror plates screwed into them, and being hung this way, then please contact Christine Robbins at the museum (remember, it is only open Thursday, Friday, Saturday each week) at: christinerobbins@ granthammuseum.org.uk or telephone 01476 568783.
Christine would still like some stitching stories to go with some of the loaned items, and would also like more information about the WW1 Hearts and the stories behind those. Three of the hearts have no name attached (one has initials, but we cannot work out who the maker is!) : one is a broken heart, '1914-1918, Remember' on it ; one commemorates Ezra Bell, and one re: Col.W Beddow - please let Christine have the information a.s.a.p. - preferably by email if you can.
Christine has worked extremely hard on our behalf, and this promises to be an exciting display, so do give her your whole-hearted support if possible, and contact the museum if you are coming to the Preview, with numbers to help with the catering.
Next month's meeting, 6th October, will be a workshop making felted eggs, for those who wish to, but I shall be sending out more details later.
A good meeting last Tuesday; one of the quickest AGMs I have ever done, and don't forget to fill in questionnaires if you have something to say about how our EG branch is organised.
Jeanette Jackson's talk and presentation was most interesting, particularly as it showed that her textile work is her second (or was it third?) career, and her skills and inspiration are quite innovative. I personally would like to hear her talk about Japan, perhaps one for another year?
Another reminder about our exhibition - we are setting up the display on Tues./Weds., 15th/16th September from 10.00am each day, and have quite a few volunteers to help, and also to help on the Preview evening, Weds. 16th from 7.00pm. Others welcome, if you can spend a couple of hours or more with us.
We have some framed pictures which some people have brought in or promised for display - these will have to be hung on mirror plates to make sure that they are secure - if you object to yours having mirror plates screwed into them, and being hung this way, then please contact Christine Robbins at the museum (remember, it is only open Thursday, Friday, Saturday each week) at: christinerobbins@ granthammuseum.org.uk or telephone 01476 568783.
Christine would still like some stitching stories to go with some of the loaned items, and would also like more information about the WW1 Hearts and the stories behind those. Three of the hearts have no name attached (one has initials, but we cannot work out who the maker is!) : one is a broken heart, '1914-1918, Remember' on it ; one commemorates Ezra Bell, and one re: Col.W Beddow - please let Christine have the information a.s.a.p. - preferably by email if you can.
Christine has worked extremely hard on our behalf, and this promises to be an exciting display, so do give her your whole-hearted support if possible, and contact the museum if you are coming to the Preview, with numbers to help with the catering.
Next month's meeting, 6th October, will be a workshop making felted eggs, for those who wish to, but I shall be sending out more details later.
Sunday, 16 August 2015
On Friday 14th August, a group of EG members enjoyed a cordmaking workshop with Jane Ostler at the Tennis Club. Jane has been a teacher of Natural Sciences, as well as City and Guilds Creative Skills, has done a lot of natural dyeing in the past, and is still happy to pass on her knowledge and skills.
(It was busy at the Tennis Club, as there was a tournament going on, and the cafe staff kindly brought lunch out to us - in the rain!)
An easy, relaxed day, during which we achieved several types of cord, including a 'friendship' cord, and one which uses a lucet, which dates from Roman times (ours were made by Jane's husband, Brian, for which many thanks) and produces a square four-sided cord. Also crocheted ones, plaited ones, and a twisted cord, which required a friend to tension the thread or yarn used.(See photos, available under 'past workshops' on the blog.)
These can be used as straps/handles for small bags, or as decorative 3D additions to surface stitching.
Reminder -
Our first AGM takes place on Tuesday 1st September and we will start promptly at 10.00am, as it will be followed by a talk from Textile Artist and tutor Jeanette Jackson, entitled: 'Textile Inspirations, a Creative Journey', which will take us until lunchtime.
After lunch, please present any items you have for display at exhibition in Grantham Museum, which starts on 17th September. Christine still needs pieces from our various workshops over the past year, and there is still time to complete and mount, or whatever, for presentation.
We are planning a Preview on the evening of Wednesday September 16th with wine and nibbles, starting at 7.00pm, so please invite family and friends to see our displays.
The Banner and Bunting will be on display, but we still need your contributions!
(It was busy at the Tennis Club, as there was a tournament going on, and the cafe staff kindly brought lunch out to us - in the rain!)
An easy, relaxed day, during which we achieved several types of cord, including a 'friendship' cord, and one which uses a lucet, which dates from Roman times (ours were made by Jane's husband, Brian, for which many thanks) and produces a square four-sided cord. Also crocheted ones, plaited ones, and a twisted cord, which required a friend to tension the thread or yarn used.(See photos, available under 'past workshops' on the blog.)
These can be used as straps/handles for small bags, or as decorative 3D additions to surface stitching.
Reminder -
Our first AGM takes place on Tuesday 1st September and we will start promptly at 10.00am, as it will be followed by a talk from Textile Artist and tutor Jeanette Jackson, entitled: 'Textile Inspirations, a Creative Journey', which will take us until lunchtime.
After lunch, please present any items you have for display at exhibition in Grantham Museum, which starts on 17th September. Christine still needs pieces from our various workshops over the past year, and there is still time to complete and mount, or whatever, for presentation.
We are planning a Preview on the evening of Wednesday September 16th with wine and nibbles, starting at 7.00pm, so please invite family and friends to see our displays.
The Banner and Bunting will be on display, but we still need your contributions!
Friday, 7 August 2015
Layers of Stitch, August meeting newsletter
A good meeting on Tuesday this week - how anyone could talk about needles for two hours is amazing! Karen is obviously so very enthusiastic about her products.
Your enthusiasm for the forthcoming exhibition at the museum was good to see, as it was also for the Capability Brown/Stately Gardens project next year.
(Laura Ashley's sale finished last Sunday, so I was unable to get any fabric yet, but there are other options.) It's a lovely idea to do a collaborative piece for this, but anyone can do an individual piece as well if you wish to. Some of you work very fast and would probably like to do your own thing as well.
Grateful thanks to all who supported the National Celebration of Stitch Day last weekend - some were not at the meeting, so hopefully they will see this. We were so blest with the weather, and able to stitch outside at Belton House, Woolsthorpe Manor, and Easton Walled Garden. Grantham Museum drew the short straw on such a lovely day. At Belton, we monitored numbers who came to talk to us and/or stitch, and there were over 100. The day also recruited one or two possible members. (Three volunteers who helped at Belton had to go to the shop to buy sunhats, as we were in such a sunny spot ,and several at Easton were also wearing sunhats - what a lovely picture they all made - worth an embroidery!)
Don't forget Jane Ostler's cordmaking workshop on Friday next week,14th August, at the Tennis Club, 10.00am to 4.00pm - enquiries to Sarah, email: sarah.edwards@ntlworld.com
The EGG Bunting is now complete, and ready to hang (unless anyone has a pennant they would like to put on it, which can still be accommodated). It's looking really good, and if you are coming to Jane's workshop on Friday, you can have a sneak preview! It will also be on show at the AGM in September. It's quirky, colourful, and fun, and raises a smile, so we must use it as much as possible! Thanks to Sue Cork who provided all the letters for the Bunting, and is in the process of adding the numbers for 2014 as well.And, thanks to Sarah Edwards, who provided the ribbon to hang it on.
Apart from one or two additions, the Banner is also complete. There are still some pieces on it which are unnamed, so if you think one of them is yours, please let one of the committee know, and it can be ironed on to the back. The length of dowl on which to hang it still has to be painted, but that will be done this coming week.
Christine is working very hard behind the scenes towards our exhibition, and today has taken photos of the banner, in order to find one to use on posters and fliers. There are so many lovely ones to choose from, it's been quite difficult to choose only one, but others may be used as a border pattern as well.
Many thanks for your support. See you all at the AGM.
A good meeting on Tuesday this week - how anyone could talk about needles for two hours is amazing! Karen is obviously so very enthusiastic about her products.
Your enthusiasm for the forthcoming exhibition at the museum was good to see, as it was also for the Capability Brown/Stately Gardens project next year.
(Laura Ashley's sale finished last Sunday, so I was unable to get any fabric yet, but there are other options.) It's a lovely idea to do a collaborative piece for this, but anyone can do an individual piece as well if you wish to. Some of you work very fast and would probably like to do your own thing as well.
Grateful thanks to all who supported the National Celebration of Stitch Day last weekend - some were not at the meeting, so hopefully they will see this. We were so blest with the weather, and able to stitch outside at Belton House, Woolsthorpe Manor, and Easton Walled Garden. Grantham Museum drew the short straw on such a lovely day. At Belton, we monitored numbers who came to talk to us and/or stitch, and there were over 100. The day also recruited one or two possible members. (Three volunteers who helped at Belton had to go to the shop to buy sunhats, as we were in such a sunny spot ,and several at Easton were also wearing sunhats - what a lovely picture they all made - worth an embroidery!)
Don't forget Jane Ostler's cordmaking workshop on Friday next week,14th August, at the Tennis Club, 10.00am to 4.00pm - enquiries to Sarah, email: sarah.edwards@ntlworld.com
The EGG Bunting is now complete, and ready to hang (unless anyone has a pennant they would like to put on it, which can still be accommodated). It's looking really good, and if you are coming to Jane's workshop on Friday, you can have a sneak preview! It will also be on show at the AGM in September. It's quirky, colourful, and fun, and raises a smile, so we must use it as much as possible! Thanks to Sue Cork who provided all the letters for the Bunting, and is in the process of adding the numbers for 2014 as well.And, thanks to Sarah Edwards, who provided the ribbon to hang it on.
Apart from one or two additions, the Banner is also complete. There are still some pieces on it which are unnamed, so if you think one of them is yours, please let one of the committee know, and it can be ironed on to the back. The length of dowl on which to hang it still has to be painted, but that will be done this coming week.
Christine is working very hard behind the scenes towards our exhibition, and today has taken photos of the banner, in order to find one to use on posters and fliers. There are so many lovely ones to choose from, it's been quite difficult to choose only one, but others may be used as a border pattern as well.
Many thanks for your support. See you all at the AGM.
Needles and Pins
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the August Meeting and Karen Parry talking about John James needles. She spoke for nearly 2 hours, but it was all so interesting!!!!
I would also like to add that I have been loading photographs onto the Blog (hence Pins) and these can be found in the bar on the right hand side, under Past Events, Travelling Books, Show and Tell etc.
If you do not want images of your work shown on the Blog, could you please let me or whoever is taking photographs know when bringing in Travelling Books or Show and Tell.
Many thanks ......Sue Cork
Monday, 27 July 2015
Reminder - August 4th meeting EG.
A quick reminder about National Celebration of Stitch Day this coming Saturday at Belton House, at Grantham Museum, and at Woolsthorpe Manor, (and Sunday at Easton Walled Garden).
At Belton House, you must be a member of the National Trust or of the Embroiderers' Guild, or both, and the Events Manager, Sam Gee, will be on hand if you have a problem getting in - stitchers only; family and friends must be prepared to pay the usual entrance fee if not members.
Vicki Honeywood is organising the Day at Woolsthorpe Manor, and I imagine that the same rule will apply, but she will advise.
Christine Robbins will coordinate the Day at Grantham Museum, and Tina Slipper will be at Easton Walled Garden on Sunday.
Have a lovely day stitching!
Next Tuesday's meeting at the Tennis Club - a talk on John James' Needles. Do come and see what they have to offer.
Do sign up for Jane Ostler's workshop on Friday 14th August on cording and braiding techniques.
We need your pieces for the forthcoming exhibition at the Museum in September, and they must be mounted in some sort of presentation format for display. Please bring items you think are a possibility - from workshops we have done, or work done during and for the EG meetings, - so that we can make a selection, plus the Travelling Books.
The Banner will be on display, and the new Bunting when completed.
Sue Cork has the idea of putting the date on the Banner (2014) in the spaces at the bottom.
We need also to formulate ideas about the Capability Brown project for next year; Burghley House has one of his landscaped areas, particularly known for his planting of Sweet Chestnut Trees - perhaps we might use this as our inspiration?
A quick reminder about National Celebration of Stitch Day this coming Saturday at Belton House, at Grantham Museum, and at Woolsthorpe Manor, (and Sunday at Easton Walled Garden).
At Belton House, you must be a member of the National Trust or of the Embroiderers' Guild, or both, and the Events Manager, Sam Gee, will be on hand if you have a problem getting in - stitchers only; family and friends must be prepared to pay the usual entrance fee if not members.
Vicki Honeywood is organising the Day at Woolsthorpe Manor, and I imagine that the same rule will apply, but she will advise.
Christine Robbins will coordinate the Day at Grantham Museum, and Tina Slipper will be at Easton Walled Garden on Sunday.
Have a lovely day stitching!
Next Tuesday's meeting at the Tennis Club - a talk on John James' Needles. Do come and see what they have to offer.
Do sign up for Jane Ostler's workshop on Friday 14th August on cording and braiding techniques.
We need your pieces for the forthcoming exhibition at the Museum in September, and they must be mounted in some sort of presentation format for display. Please bring items you think are a possibility - from workshops we have done, or work done during and for the EG meetings, - so that we can make a selection, plus the Travelling Books.
The Banner will be on display, and the new Bunting when completed.
Sue Cork has the idea of putting the date on the Banner (2014) in the spaces at the bottom.
We need also to formulate ideas about the Capability Brown project for next year; Burghley House has one of his landscaped areas, particularly known for his planting of Sweet Chestnut Trees - perhaps we might use this as our inspiration?
Monday, 20 July 2015
August meeting
Next month's meeting on Tuesday 4th August at the Tennis Club will be a talk from someone at John James' Needles - I'm told that theirs are the best needles to use for embroidery, so it will be interesting to learn all about them. Thanks to Sarah for organising this.
In the afternoon of last month's meeting, some members were learning how to mount and present their work, from workshops we have done during the year, and if others of you need ideas and hints on this, then please do say so.
We need 'show and tell' as always; I'm sure there will be lots of you who have completed Sue's piece from last time, and perhaps we can now begin to have an idea of what pieces each member will produce for our exhibition at Grantham Museum in September. A small committee of us are meeting at the museum tomorrow to begin deciding how this will be staged. If you have any vintage sewing artifacts that you are willing to loan, don't forget to let Christine know about them. We shall need volunteers to sit and stitch at the museum during the exhibition, and to engage with the visitors, on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, when the museum is open.
On Friday 14th August, Jane Ostler will be doing a cording/braiding workshop with us - if you wish to take part, don't forget to sign up for this, if you have not done so already.
National Celebration of Stitch Day will soon be upon us - Saturday 1st August at Belton House, Grantham Museum and Woolsthorpe Manor; Sunday 2nd August at Easton Walled Garden. There is still time to volunteer for this if you wish to, or go along during the day and support the stitchers. It should be an interesting day!
Lots going on. Looking forward to seeing you all on 4th August.
In the afternoon of last month's meeting, some members were learning how to mount and present their work, from workshops we have done during the year, and if others of you need ideas and hints on this, then please do say so.
We need 'show and tell' as always; I'm sure there will be lots of you who have completed Sue's piece from last time, and perhaps we can now begin to have an idea of what pieces each member will produce for our exhibition at Grantham Museum in September. A small committee of us are meeting at the museum tomorrow to begin deciding how this will be staged. If you have any vintage sewing artifacts that you are willing to loan, don't forget to let Christine know about them. We shall need volunteers to sit and stitch at the museum during the exhibition, and to engage with the visitors, on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, when the museum is open.
On Friday 14th August, Jane Ostler will be doing a cording/braiding workshop with us - if you wish to take part, don't forget to sign up for this, if you have not done so already.
National Celebration of Stitch Day will soon be upon us - Saturday 1st August at Belton House, Grantham Museum and Woolsthorpe Manor; Sunday 2nd August at Easton Walled Garden. There is still time to volunteer for this if you wish to, or go along during the day and support the stitchers. It should be an interesting day!
Lots going on. Looking forward to seeing you all on 4th August.
Friday, 19 June 2015
Grantham Tennis Club
June meeting Silk Painting
Show and Tell
June meeting Silk Painting
Show and Tell
Out of Africa
June Dorset Buttons
June -more dandelions
June Los travelling books 1
Silk Painting discussion
June LOS Travelling Books 2

Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Unfortunately we have a change of Programme for the July 7th meeting, Jackie Murray was all set to take us through the joys of felting - but has had a better offer - meeting David Attenborough!!!!!
So you have me "the dandelion lady" again. I will do another simple little kit, all included, just bring some scissors, it should be simple enough to complete in a morning so bring something else to do, or work on your Stitch Book as well.
Sue Cork
So you have me "the dandelion lady" again. I will do another simple little kit, all included, just bring some scissors, it should be simple enough to complete in a morning so bring something else to do, or work on your Stitch Book as well.
Sue Cork
Monday, 8 June 2015
EGG will be exhibiting at
Grantham Museum from the middle of September 2015 for 3 months, and we would
like to exhibit pieces from all of the workshops we have done since we started
+ the travelling books; the space is quite small, next to their coffee-shop,
but has several glass cabinets for 3D and precious items, and there is room in
the middle of the space for a table, for display or for demonstrating. We shall
need to be selective, as we have tried a lot of different things, but we should
like to include something from every member.
We would need to have a small committee of members, 2 or 3 people, to help to organise this exhibition and to liaise with Christine Robbins at the museum - volunteers at the next meeting, please; we shall set it up ourselves, with the help of museum staff.
In addition to exhibiting, Christine would like to run a competition, based on their current exhibition, 'Made in Grantham'; these would be post-card sized pieces again, and entry would be £1 to cover costs. For this, you will receive an envelope containing an entry form and a label on which to write briefly about your inspiration for a piece. (You would not be limited to one entry!) Some research may be required for this, and Christine will help. Members from other Guilds are invited to enter, and also members of the public.
Visitors to the museum will be invited to vote for the best entries, or their favourites, and there will be a box for this.
We also need to think about the National Celebration of Stitch Day, which isSaturday August 1st; those who were at the Regional Day in May will perhaps remember hearing about this.
The Museum have kindly offered us space there for the day, probably in a corner of the coffee shop, to sit and stitch, and to encourage members of the public who may be interested, especially children. Again, we would need volunteers, and a rota of people to try to cover the whole day there.
We could also stitch in other venues, a shopping centre, a garden centre, or, weather permitting, a park, even if only for a short time, just to bring stitch to the notice of the public - perhaps you have ideas about this? Would we need some sort of poster/display to alert people to what we are doing?
All for discussion at the next meeting, so please come with ideas.
We would need to have a small committee of members, 2 or 3 people, to help to organise this exhibition and to liaise with Christine Robbins at the museum - volunteers at the next meeting, please; we shall set it up ourselves, with the help of museum staff.
In addition to exhibiting, Christine would like to run a competition, based on their current exhibition, 'Made in Grantham'; these would be post-card sized pieces again, and entry would be £1 to cover costs. For this, you will receive an envelope containing an entry form and a label on which to write briefly about your inspiration for a piece. (You would not be limited to one entry!) Some research may be required for this, and Christine will help. Members from other Guilds are invited to enter, and also members of the public.
Visitors to the museum will be invited to vote for the best entries, or their favourites, and there will be a box for this.
We also need to think about the National Celebration of Stitch Day, which isSaturday August 1st; those who were at the Regional Day in May will perhaps remember hearing about this.
The Museum have kindly offered us space there for the day, probably in a corner of the coffee shop, to sit and stitch, and to encourage members of the public who may be interested, especially children. Again, we would need volunteers, and a rota of people to try to cover the whole day there.
We could also stitch in other venues, a shopping centre, a garden centre, or, weather permitting, a park, even if only for a short time, just to bring stitch to the notice of the public - perhaps you have ideas about this? Would we need some sort of poster/display to alert people to what we are doing?
All for discussion at the next meeting, so please come with ideas.
Friday, 5 June 2015
Hi everyone,
We are forwarding this message from Pam Keeling, our
regional chair, to remind you all about using your vote as members of the
Embroiderers’ Guild
Please do try. It is important that we do .
FroDear Branch Chairmen and IT Reps.
It is now just 2 weeks to the last date for receiving the Proxy Vote before the EGM on 20th June, 2015 and it would be appreciated if you could send out the following:
Best wishes
Pamm: pamela keeling <pamkeeling@clara.co.uk>
It is now just 2 weeks to the last date for receiving the Proxy Vote before the EGM on 20th June, 2015 and it would be appreciated if you could send out the following:
Best wishes
Pamm: pamela keeling <pamkeeling@clara.co.uk>
Because the blog has no facility to down load PDF files I have created a drop box you can access. user name cynthia,dowe@gmail.com
password tbckoz12.
ignore signing up process
If this fails email or refer back to Vicky's email or email me and @cynthiadower@gmail.com
July 30 meeting
Grantham Tennis Club
Murray is doing a felting workshop for the next meeting in July - we shall be
making felted eggs ready to embellish - and she will provide all the materials,
charging £2.50 for each kit she provides. (This includes a polystyrene egg,
wool tops, and the silk, etc.) and all equipment.
Everyone will also need an old towel/tea towel, and you might want to wear an apron and possibly plastic gloves as well.
Everyone will also need an old towel/tea towel, and you might want to wear an apron and possibly plastic gloves as well.
Those who have signed up for the Lynda Monk workshop, don't forget the date - it is on Saturday 27th June - and we look forward to seeing what you might produce. Please contact Sarah by email if you have any queries about this,(sarah.edwards@ntlworld.com
Monday, 1 June 2015
As the link to the lactation Consultants does not seem to be working I have posted Carolyn Westcott's as well
Knitted Breast for Breastfeeding Demonstration
Pattern courtesy of the Lactation
Consultants of Great Britain http://www.lcgb.org/
(Slightly amended from a pattern by
Carolyn Westcott IBCLC)
1 Ball of flesh coloured double
knitting wool – choose your colour
1 Ball of darker colour double
knitting wool
NB colours are not important
Pair of 3 1Ž4 mm / UK size 10
knitting needles
Cast on 71 stitches
* Work st st for 20 rows
1st decrease 21st row:
K1, *K2 tog, K5, rep from * to end
22nd and alternate
rows: purl
2nd decrease 23rd row:
K1, *K2 tog, K4, rep from * to end
3rd decrease K3
Continue to decrease in this way and
after 3rd decrease change to darker wool to make the areola
4th decrease K2
5th decrease K1
Continue decreasing until K1, *K2
tog, from *to end has been worked.
Nipple: st st 4 rows (see
below for amendments)
Break yarn, thread through rem
stitches, draw up and fasten off.
Sew sides together
In darker wool on the wrong side of
work, make a draw-string stitch around the base of the nipple, draw up and
fasten off. Tightening of this stitch determines the prominence of
the nipple.
Experiment to get the type you want. It is good to have a
variety of shapes and sizes, just as women do, (very flat, very small/large,
inverted, etc), so they can see that all work!
To complete: crochet a
wool circle in matching wool to fit the base of the breast, or cut some
matching fabric. Stitch half the base in place, stuff the breast
with foam or something squishy, (old tights or shoulder pads should work well),
and stitch remaining part of base. Different sizes of breast can be
made by amending the pattern, and different firmness achieved by amount of
Some find the crochet base easier to
do, as the knitting in the base is tight with the rapid increasing
necessary. However, for those who cannot crochet and would like to
knit the base –
With size 8 needles cast on 71 sts
1 – 3
Knit 3
K1 (K2
tog K5) to end
5th and
alt rows
K1 (K2
tog K4) to end
K1 (K2
tog K3) to end
K1 (K2
tog K2) to end
K1 (K2
tog K1) to end
K1 (K2
tog) to end
K1 (K2
tog) to end
17th and
off yarn, thread yarn through sts, draw up and seam
Happy Knitting!!
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