

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Last month and next month's meetings.

Grateful thanks to Annette, who helped with the egg-felting workshop at the October meeting, as well as taking members' money on the door, and providing the tea and coffee.
As well as the needle felting, we did wet-felted eggs - some people did both, and some showed a marked preference for one or the other.
These hopefully will be embroidered on to for the ongoing exhibition at Grantham Museum, as part of Layers of Stich EGG challenge.

It has been suggested that we submit a decorated tree for the St Wulfram's Christmas Tree Festival at the end of November; St Wulfram's is Grantham's Parish Church, and this is their first Tree Festival, along with having a skating rink in the church for the duration of the festival. They are hoping for a lot of trees and a lot of interest, and it would be good for us to have a profile there.
Applications need to be in by 31st October, and I have the form here to submit; we can have either a real tree or an artificial one, any size, floor or table standing, with an extension lead if we want lights on it.
I have an artificial tree in the loft, much used, but in good condition, 6ft. high, which usually goes in the conservatory. Because it takes to pieces, it's easily tranportable and put together in situ, and we have lights for it too.
As this will be a first attempt, I suggest we go down this route, and we should like members to bring along to the November meeting any handmade decorations they may have. Also, as Annette demonstrated dry felting on polystyrene spheres, some could be made in the meeting, or beforehand, if you have the wherewithal. I will again bring along to the meeting my selection of tops and the felting needles, and they can also be decorated with beads and sequins to catch the light. I have a few spheres, but if you can bring your own (Boyes stock them), that would be helpful.
Jane has some canvaswork ideas with shisha mirrors, and will bring some of these to show us. Other ideas welcome!
The booking form for the tree asks for a 'proposed decoration theme'; as this has to be submitted by Saturday, I need to think of one quickly - perhaps some of you could email me with your ideas? The church will provide all of the signage for the trees, so all we need is a theme!

At the November meeting, we also need to discuss the way forward for the Capability Brown/Stately Gardens project; both Jane and Marian have lots of ideas, and hopefully Marian will be with us to bring along the 'tree' that she has as the foundation for this. If she is not able to be there, I have photos she sent me, and an email with her ideas on, so we need to pool these, decide about dyeing the fabric which Jane has kindly given to the group, and come up with a Plan! Your contributions will be most welcome, please.

It has also been suggested that for the December meeting, we have a 'Secret Santa' - as well as a raffle? Something else to discuss, and do bring any 'show and tell' pieces, and your travelling books - some of these will again be swopped with the ones already in the museum.

Sarah is still requiring money for the extra workshop with Linda Rudkin on 17th November; if your name is on her list and you have not paid, please have your money for her at the meeting.

If none of this appeals to you, do bring your own stitching and join us for a sociable day.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 3rd November at the Tennis Club.

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