

Thursday, 22 January 2015

february meeting

Hello everybody, 
For our next meeting in February, Tina will show you all a quick and easy way to make a fabric cover for any book, she will bring some sewing machines and thread, as it is a machine technique , and she will also provide the lining material and cutting mats and blades, you will need to bring your notebooks and pen, and pins, and a cloth tape measure[ Tina will bring one if you don't possess one] the book you want to cover and a piece of fabric to cover it , the book should ideally be about A5 size..ish and the fabric should be about 2 inches bigger all round when wrapped about the book.
This is a quick, simple, and cheap  method of making book covers that are neat, and make good presents .
The traveling stitch books will continue and the stitch journal will continue- more chain stitchs this month,
 Tina will take you through this method  4 people at a time , it is a good idea to make the first cover a prototype so that you have something to refer back to, and treat your second one as your masterpiece, just about any fabric will do, not too stiff and it can be backed with wadding if you want, we look forward to seeing you there.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Upcoming Workshops 

Tuesday February 24th 2015
GranthamTennis Club 

Machine Embroidery Day


New Date 

Anyone who wants to come and hasn't said so already or has questions will need to contact Sarah. 
Suggested requirements will be a sewing machine, appropriate needles and threads, fabric, dissolvable film or similar, stabiliser or  prepared hoop

This is not a tutor-led session, if anyone has a
book or DVD they find useful or want explaining please bring it along

just a picture -not what what we are doing


Tuesday March 3rd 2015
Grantham Tennis Club

Coil Pots

Lorraine Appleton is  booked in to do coil pots for the March meeting.
She  will bring lots of examples and do a demo of the machine and hand technique.  

It's a recycling project so here is a short list of what people need to bring.This project works well if you have a colour scheme either different shades of the same colour or complementary colours
  • strips of thinish silky fabrics (sari silk strips are perfect but need to be ironed) approx 1 inch wide, min length 12 inch
  • scrap embroidery threads in your chosen colours
  • Scrap purl (optional)
  • usual sewing kit

  just an example-not necessarily what
 we might make

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

A Letter from the Committee

Hi everyone,

Thank you to all that came to the first meeting of Layers of Stitch at the new venue of Grantham Tennis club. What a fabulous day we had. Two new long-term projects were successfully started and many of us sampled the delicious lunches on offer at the Rainbow cafĂ© run in aid of and by Mencap.  Our afternoon sessions at meetings will be time to continue with, and share, the travelling books and stitching journals so don’t forget to bring your work.
The beautiful banner was displayed in the afternoon. I’m sure you will all agree that it is a gorgeous example of group work and was arranged superbly by our Chairperson Kate Pike. Thanks go to the ladies who helped to put it together. I look forward to it being displayed around the area as a celebration of our group. It will undoubtedly be admired throughout the Embroiderers’ Guild.
We were also visited by Sue Rowland who shared her WW1 project, the sweetheart pincushion themed bunting. Christine, who works at Grantham museum, will be at the next meeting to collect finished hearts from those of you who have chosen to make one.

Our next meeting is 3rd February. We would like you to wear a name badge so we can all get to know each other by name.  A little project you might like to work on. If you don’t have one that’s ok but we will label you as you come in! There will also be a bring and buy table so if you have any stitching treasures you don’t want or don’t need anymore then please donate to the sale table. Proceeds will help the group to finance our future projects.
It would be helpful if you order lunch in the main building if you want to eat there before coming over to the workroom at the next meeting.

Can we take this opportunity to ask that, if you have any comments about the new venue or the group, you email them to the address above ?
On behalf of the committee, can we thank you all for your support during the move to the tennis club and we look forward to a great future of stitching at Layers of Stitch.

Friday, 9 January 2015



The  inaugural session at Grantham Tennis Club was not without it's teething problems but after a bit of reorganisation we were all busy working on either the one stitch book or a travelling book.Kate explained that eventually we could work on both books but for now just over half of us settled for the one stitch approach.I,for one, was amazed at how many ways you can use a chain stitch.I did not have time to see what the travelling books were up to but what a lovely name for a project.I would love to see this happening on an international level!!

Below are links to two sights which offer video demonstrations of stitches and projects that Tina has recommended.

After lunch we got to see the completed banner which Kate had put together and it does look lovely.

WORK IN PROGRESS photos by Sue Cork

THE BANNER Photos by Sue Cork

COMPLETED WORK photos by Sue Cork

Sunday, 4 January 2015

stitch club

Hello everybody, are you all looking forward to our first embroidery meeting of the new year?
We certainly are, and Annette and I would like to remind everyone that wants to learn a new stitch every month to bring some thread- a perle is a good size and needles to match your thread and a hoop if you have one and some fabric- ideally this will be linen or osnaburg or a plain cotton.
 we will learn a new stitch- and its variations, every month, this month it will be chain stitch, so if anyone has any nice examples to show us then please bring them along  and we will see you on Tuesday...... from tina

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Layers of Stitch Embroidery Meeting 
Tuesday January 6th

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and is up and ready for some creativity and our session on Tuesday in out new venue at Grantham Tennis Club.

Annette and Tina will  launch Stitch Journals and Vicki and Jean will launch Travelling books. 
You will need your sewing  kit and  embroidery hoops.Notebooks will be provided at a small cost

We are in a small  building which you can see on the left after you enter the grounds.LOOK FOR THE BALLONS!!!
Parking is available over by the building so turn left and keep driving through the car park until you come to the ballons and more parking.
Instructions to the tennis club are below the pictures.

And  to get you in the mood some pictures of some past projects,Instructions to the tennis club are below the pictures.

Directions To Grantham Tennis Club
Full Address: Arnoldfield, Gonerby Road, Grantham, NG31 8HU
Telephone: 01476 591391

Grantham Tennis Club is located half a mile from the town centre on Gonerby Road. From the town
follow signs towards the A1 North / Newark. The Club is on the right hand side of Gonerby Road
(B1174), shortly after you pass under a railway bridge and is clearly signed.

Visitors approaching from the North, driving along Gonerby Road (B1174), will see the Tennis Club
signposted on the left - before you pass under the railway bridge
Satnav users should enter either "Grantham Tennis Club", "Grantham Arnoldfield" or the postcode NG31 8HU