

Thursday, 22 January 2015

february meeting

Hello everybody, 
For our next meeting in February, Tina will show you all a quick and easy way to make a fabric cover for any book, she will bring some sewing machines and thread, as it is a machine technique , and she will also provide the lining material and cutting mats and blades, you will need to bring your notebooks and pen, and pins, and a cloth tape measure[ Tina will bring one if you don't possess one] the book you want to cover and a piece of fabric to cover it , the book should ideally be about A5 size..ish and the fabric should be about 2 inches bigger all round when wrapped about the book.
This is a quick, simple, and cheap  method of making book covers that are neat, and make good presents .
The traveling stitch books will continue and the stitch journal will continue- more chain stitchs this month,
 Tina will take you through this method  4 people at a time , it is a good idea to make the first cover a prototype so that you have something to refer back to, and treat your second one as your masterpiece, just about any fabric will do, not too stiff and it can be backed with wadding if you want, we look forward to seeing you there.

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